the one responsible imdb is the limited movements behind it is as we saved as an expression of the depressed state overwhelms the feeling of the victims because the us is being silenced and passive towards israeli practices against palestinians was once susan we believe this could be the motive behind these attacks salute miller tip of the finger of blame on who it actually is the result of big suspicion here middle east and pacific amongst many of them that the motive behind it was to strike back at america for its support for his room right on our thank you is still with me here in the studio on those very early days and will on those want to get too involved in speculation but i'm sure everyone watching what try and make some sense of this what do you think could be behind will one question is could this level of organization have been carried out simply by a small terrorist group or whether a country was behind us one six posted terrorism state-sponsored study organized dentistry one president with a state likely get involved in attacks like this on the world 's only superpower bearing in mind the possible consequences i was at the respond by saying where these attacks likely was timothy mcveigh likely draws the reason explored elections that's one the oldest candidate is bin laden but then he was toppled the list always people like him with hope of the list at the time of the oklahoma city bombing center very careful not to jump to conclusions and records of the white house that will be enormous pressure to jump to conclusions and get anybody just to try to resolve this if it was osama bin laden what his mother to be communities is to cut a virtual civil war is in the united states or any attack against iran vice president his books is a good thing but what does this have to do with is the limited well one motive is simply revenge a second motive has to be to try to get states to dramatically change its policy but i think not enough to remember the bin laden was originally funded by the central intelligence agency enough to stop to fight the soviets he was originally founded and organized by them and consequently has a good deal of the way in which the american psyche works delaware to resume an american intelligence with a good deal about him well yes i'm always late part of the examination will be who you want when we will probably find some messages somewhere in the system the one take one taken seriously enough as tragically and staff in these sorts of occasions he was trying to engineer american foreign policy result will the middle east and the last thing america could be seen to be doing is giving well you and i might think that but some people don't look well in that way if people say the only thing that works for us it works in both directions